Need classroom supplies? Write a grant! 12 Quick Steps to Writing Winning Classroom Grants coaches teachers with little to no grant writing experience how to leverage their knowledge of creating lesson plans to write a winning grant proposal.
The workbook-style layout features:
✏️Practical grant tips and strategies✏️Grant proposals examples
✏️Templates for writing a grant
✏️Chapter objectives
✏️Comprehension checks
All of these will help to provide you with a foundational knowledge of grants so that you can have the best chance of getting the funding that you need.
If you are an educator who...
✔️has created a lesson plan
✔️needs educational supplies and equipment to enhance the learning environment
✔️is motivated to tap into Billions in grant funding
✔️wants a grant writing cheat sheet tailored specifically for educators
This Grant Writing Starter Guide is a MUST HAVE to fully stock your classroom, school, childcare center.
Author: BK International Education Consultancy (BKIEC) is a social good firm focused on strengthening K-12 educator practices to develop youth into critical thinkers, good decision-makers, and productive citizens. BKIEC is an accredited provider of Continuing Education Units (CEUs) by International Association for Continuing Education and Training.
Format: PDF
[eBook] 12 Quick Steps to Writing Winning Classroom Grants
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